
This is a school project where we have to create a blog about fashion in the 1920's. We know were are not the real Daisy Buchanan and we don't actually now about her thoughts on fashion when she was "alive".
Thanks and enjoy!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Skin Care of the 1920's

Typically, we don't think people of the 1920s were big skincare people like we are today. But, they were obsessed with a few things. For example there were many beauty treatments to make you look younger. They promised to ¨maintain the fresh unlined appearance of youth and keep the contours of your face firm and rounded¨. Another product claimed to ¨strengthen the exhausted tissues, round out furrowed cheeks, and invigorate sagging muscles of the cheeks and neck.¨ (1). Something else women of the 1920s aimed to achieve to look more awake with eye cream products claiming to ¨the tired lined appearance is entirely removed, while it improves the sight and prevents wrinkles and lines.¨ (1). The other thing women wanted to achieve was a young appearance through their forties with many different creams and oils from Marie Barlow. Her ad says to ¨Give just ten minutes a day to your complexion with this simple home treatment.¨

~ Daisy Buchanan

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